The sitting lady
The sitting lady
Oil on Canvas
36 in x 24 in
Self Portrait
Self Portrait 
oil on canvas 
36 in x 36 in
I believe it's crucial for painters to understand their own identity. Personal identification heavily influences my painting style and the topics I work on as a painter. Currently, I feel a little "chaotic" in terms of my status. Simply put, I see myself as a painter with a passion for creating art that I'm obsessed with while exploring my future goals. As I continue to learn more about painting and printmaking, I realize how much more there is to discover. Painting is a slow learning process for me, and each painting I create helps me learn from other artists and people around me. The sheer amount of knowledge I have yet to acquire can be overwhelming at times. I draw inspiration from Casey Baugh's paintings, as I appreciate how his portraits always convey strong emotions and moods. This painting portrays my current state of feeling chaotic about my work, my eagerness to learn new things, and my uncertainty about my future goals.

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